Inter-Club League Rules

1. NAME - The League shall be known as the DGU Inter-Club League. The league organiser is the County Marketing & Communications Officer.

2.1. MATCH – The fixture between clubs
2.2. GAME – Individual better-ball matches within a MATCH

3. DIVISIONS - The League shall consist of two Divisions, viz. Division One, Division Two.

4. FIXTURE ARRANGEMENTS - The member clubs in each division shall play each other club in that Division either home OR away as per fixture list. Home advantage will reverse in following year.

5. MATCHES - Are to be played between March and September wherever possible.All dates to be agreed and confirmed as soon as possible following the AGM in December. Matches may be played on ANY day by mutual consent. However, it is traditional that the majority of them are played on a Sunday afternoon. The starting time is to be decided by the Home Team but with the agreement of the visiting team. The home team will be responsible for the catering arrangements after the match when all players are expected to attend. Notification of matches must be provided to the event organiser to allow posting onto the DGU website.

6. TEAMS – The Team Captain is, by tradition, the Club's Vice-Captain. Teams shall consist of 12 players (6 pairs).

7. ELIGIBILITY - Full members of their respective clubs within the county. Players may only represent one club in any season.

8. EXCLUSIONS - Any player having represented the county scratch team on 2 or more occasions in the current or previous season shall not play in the League. Juniors (Under 18 on 1st January of the current year) cannot play in the League as Juniors are not paying members of the DGU.

9. MATCHES - Will be on a better-ball basis with a 90% handicap allowance. The maximum Handicap Index is 24.0 (higher handicap players are limited to 24.0). Each player, should derive his Playing Handicap as 90% of his unrounded (exact) Course Handicap. If the unrounded Course Handicap is not available, the player may use 90% of his rounded Course Handicap. The lowest handicap player concedes strokes to the other 3 players based on the difference in Playing Handicaps.

10. SCORING SYSTEM - The result of the Match is taken from the 6 games played (e.g. 4-2, 3-3). From this overall Match result 2 points are awarded for a Win, 1 point for a Draw.

11. LOCAL RULES – The local rules of the home club shall be applicable to all Matches. All such rules must be clearly designated on the card or given to players prior to commencement of the Match.

12. WINNERS – The Division Champions shall be the club having gained the greatest number of points at the end of the season. In the event of a tie, it shall be decided on the greatest number of Games won. If a tie still remains, then the total of away Games won will decide. The winners of each division will be presented with a Trophy at the Union AGM in December. The trophy is to be held securely by the club for a period of 12 months. It will be the responsibility of the holders to ensure the safe return of the trophy to the County Secretary at the November meeting, suitable engraved for presentation at the AGM.

13. FAILURE TO PLAY ON AN AGREED DATE - Difficulties may arise from time to time owing to weather, course conditions or other major setback. On such occasions, then alternative dates may be arranged. Agreed dates should be finalised and, in extreme circumstances, may be extended until the end of October; but if a change of date is required during the season, firm reasons will be required to justify the change. It is therefore expected for the agreed date to remain and if a club fails to honour the Match it shall forfeit the points (and all Games within the Match) and they shall be given to the non-offending team. Such matters must always be reported in writing to the League Organiser.

14. DISPUTES - It is anticipated that clubs will be able to resolve any difficulty themselves and settle amicably, but failure to do so will call for this ruling. The dispute must be referred to the DGU Marketing & Communications Officer in writing within 7 days of the fixture. He shall report the matter to the Executive Officers of the DGU.
14.1. Stage 1 – The DGU Marketing & Communications Officer shall meet with the County Captain and County Secretary (two of these to form a quorum) to decide the disputed issue on written submissions from the clubs involved.
14.2. Clubs have the right to appeal following this decision.
14.3. Stage 2 - Any appeal shall be heard by a Committee of the DGU comprising of the President, Captain and Vice-Captain, (two of these to form a quorum) whose decision shall be final.

15. RESULTS - It is the responsibility of the HOME TEAM CAPTAIN to send an email to the DGU Marketing & Communications Officer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) containing:-

  1. The name of the two teams
  2. The venue and date the match was played
  3. The MATCH result : GAMES won and lost, immediately after the match.

16. LEAGUE TABLES - The DGU Marketing & Communications Officer will update the League tables and post results on the website as soon as possible after receiving results during the season to keep clubs informed of their respective position.

17. PROMOTION & RELEGATION - The winners and runners-up in Division Two will gain promotion to the Division One, whilst those placed in last two positions of Division One will be relegated to Division Two each season. (i.e. 2 up and 2 down)

18. CONTINUANCE OF MEMBERSHIP – It is expected that clubs will honour their commitments for the season. Should a club resign from the league prior to the completion of their Matches for the year a full explanation will be required and that club’s results will be expunged from the records. If a club wishes to resign from the League for the following year, resignations must be received by 1st October of the current year.

19. NEW TEAMS – If a club not participating in the League wishes to join the League, a submission must be made in writing to the organiser by October 1st in the year prior to entry.

20. RULES - A copy of these Rules will be posted on the DGU website at the start of each season and it will be the responsibility of the Team Captain (Club Vice-Captain) to acquaint themselves with same.

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